Small-Town Saturday

Flashback to June amidst a crowd of thousands of people in the blistering summer heat and there I am – black dress, black shoes, headed to work at Victoria’s Secret. The smell of typical street meat was enhanced and mixed with the smell of sweat and sewage. The sound of little children screaming as they slid down an inflatable and the blaring music from street vendors’ tents echoed in my ears.

At this time in my life, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The mixture of diverse people all coming together in the middle of the street drinking, laughing and shouting was truly breathtaking. Not to mention the fact that incredible skyscrapers surrounded the scene, trying desperately to block out the blazing sun.

Oftentimes, I’d find a bench on the side of the street and just sit and watch the festival unfold around me. I’d watch couples hold hands and pick out Christmas gifts for relatives under the tents; I’d watch kids run between the feet of adults and get scolded for it; I’d watch friends laughing at each other while they all tried to gracefully shove whatever food they were eating into their mouths without dropping it.

At this time in my life, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Then I went to Oktoberfest in Ellicottville.

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